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Monday, April 10, 2023


10 cases where actors are transformed for their role

The ordinary life of actors does not consist only of autograph signatures, endless photos and long-awaited awards. Their reality is much more complex: they adhere to strict diets or gain weight, learn new skills (which may or may not be fun) and often work in conditions that are not at all comfortable. There are 10 examples where actors have had to sacrifice for their role.
1. Blake Lively — The Shallows (2016)

Aktorja luajti në një rol ku duhet të vishej me bikini vetëm disa muaj pas lindjes. Në mënyrë që të kthehej në formë, Blake Lively bënte stërvitje fizike për 13 orë në ditë. Duke parë se si duket aktorja në film, ne mendojmë se ajo e arriti qëllimin e saj.
2. Rooney Mara — The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

Disa javë para fillimit të xhirimit të filmit, aktorja u zhvendos në Stokholm, në mënyrë që të merrte kohë të mjaftueshme për të thithur atmosferën e qytetit ku jetonte karakteri i saj. Në mënyrë që të hynte plotësisht në rol, Rooney Mara i lyeu flokët nga biondë në të zinj, bëri piercing dhe ndryshoi ngjyrën e vetullave.
3. Jennifer Lawrence— Winter’s Bone (2010)

Since her character was a small town girl living a very poor life on a farm, Jennifer Lawrence had to learn how to do some non-Hollywood ian things. For example, she mastered the art of cutting down trees with an ax. We can all discern how masterfully she learned to do this in the film.
4. Daniel Day-Lewis — The Last of the Mohicans (1992)

In order to get ready for the role of Hawkeye, the actor had to work hard: he learned how to hunt, build a canoe, use a ‘tomahawk’ and reload a hunting rifle in flight.
5. Olivia Munn — X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

In order to play the role of Psylocke, the actress had to master the art of the sword and many other things. Almost 6 months of grueling training produced amazing results – 95% of the tricks shown in the film were done by Olivia Munn herself, without modifications. Losing weight became the side effect of such intense training – the actress confessed that she had lost 12 kilograms, but she did not really want that.
6. Hilary Swank — Million Dollar Baby (2004)

The actress was nominated for an Oscar for her role as ‘Maggie’. She would train for 3 months in boxing and did weight exercises every day for a few hours. Thanks to her work and protein diet, Hilary Swank gained 19 pounds of muscle.
7. Dustin Hoffman — Marathon Man (1976)

In order to get in shape for the shoot, the actor would run no less than 4 miles every day. When there were scenes where the character was breathing and had no energy, he had to run about half a mile in advance to look more natural on screen.
8. Jared Leto — Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

The actor lost 30 kg for the role and was fully in the role for 24 hours a day. In addition, Jared Leto learned how to use lipstick and wax her legs and eyebrows.
9. Aaron Eckhart — Rabbit Hole (2010)

Since the event is centered on a couple who lost their son, Aaron Eckhart decided to start visiting a support group for parents who had experienced the death of a child, to fully enter into his role. This move was pretty heartless because the actor had to pretend in front of people. However, it seemed worth it because his ‘immersion’ in this role was complete.
10. Jamie Dornan — The Fall (2013)

In this series, Dornan played a criminal. To get into the role and understand how a person following others feels, the actor did an unusual move. On the subway, he paid attention to a girl and constantly chased her for a few blocks while analyzing his feelings. According to Dornan, this experience was both exciting and ‘fucking’.

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